Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Not Your Typical Dumb Blonde… I am Trashing the Stereotype!

I refuse to conform to anyone's idea of who or what I should be; I am proud to be me, I am different and totally unique. I allow my freak flag to fly freely! I am incapable of being ordinary, only extraordinary!

For most of my life people have assumed me to be a typical dumb blonde, based solely on the way I look.  Okay, so I am blonde.  I never embraced it until a few years ago though, I spent much of my life trying to ignore and/or hide that fact.  I think it is so unfair to be considered ignorant simply because I am blonde and pretty.  

Anyone who has taken the time to speak with me at any length realizes that I am the exception, not the rule to the dumb blonde stereotype.  Unfortunately, most people don't invest any time in finding out who I am inside, they just believe the outside is sufficient to pass judgement.

Without further investigation, they label me as stupid and useless.

So what if I am Blonde?  Therefore I am incapable of intelligent thoughts....  Seriously???

I am tall and thin so I must not eat or I have an eating disorder that keeps me skinny....  Thats a pretty big leap!!!

(Oh and my personal favorite) I have tattoos so they will infer that I am a criminal or I worshop the devil!!!!!  I got my tats in prison while I am sacrificing a goat to the devil during a ritualistic prayer session....  :)

It's so silly to think you know who someone is and what they are about from their outward appearance!

I won't lie, I have had my fair share of blonde moments (I will be the first to point them out and joke about them, when they occur) but not enough to be judged and dismissed so quickly.

Judging a book by it's cover, people have decided they can walk all over me and I wouldn't even realize what they were doing much less take action to stop it. Over the years many so called "friends" have made the same assumptions, deciding that I can be ignored, mistreated and used. Figuring I wouldn't even know the difference. Most have underestimated me and some were mad (or even belligerently irate) when they found out that I actually possess a functioning brain.
You Can't Judge a Book By Its Cover ...
You Can't Judge a Book By Its Cover ... (Photo credit:
In my adolescence, I wanted so badly to fit in and be accepted that I assumed the identity of that which everyone wanted me to be. I played dumb, bubbled, gushed and did everything else that title entailed. Time after time I was let down, backed into a corner, shoved around and found myself in scary situations that I was too smart to have found my way into.

From all this I have learned that what others* want doesn't really matter in the scheme of life, you have to find yourself, love yourself and above all else be true to yourself! Find what makes you happy and do that! Embrace your individuality, never change any aspect of yourself to please someone else!

*By others I don't mean people that you care about like your family and friends, I mostly mean anyone else you come in contact with.  This can also mean friends and family when those people are toxic and only looking out for number one, in which case run away quick!!!!

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