Thursday, November 21, 2013

150 Years Has Passed Since Lincoln Spoke The Gettysburg Address

English: Abraham Lincoln, the sixteenth Presid...
Abraham Lincoln, the sixteenth President of the United States.  (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

So Tuesday, as Google so kindly informed me, was the 150th anniversary of the Gettysburg Address.

Lincoln's Gettysburg Address
Lincoln's Gettysburg Address (Photo credit: howardignatius)
I started writing this post on Tuesday morning, I saved it with the intention of finishing it shortly thereafter.  Unfortunately, my laptop crashed and I have been unable to revive it.  I am currently on my back up laptop which loves to shut down frequently when the memory gets overloaded!

I have to say that many presidents in our history have given good speeches but this is my favorite.  Lincoln was a crowd pleaser and must have been quite a charmer.  Of course he obviously had enemies considering he was assassinated but people throw rocks at things that shine, right?

If you haven't taken a peek around Google's Cultural Institute, do yourself a favor and take a look.  The caption of the following photo will take you there!.
The only known photograph of President Lincoln...
The only known photograph of President Lincoln giving his Gettysburg adress on November 19. 1863 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

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Monday, November 18, 2013

Head Scratcher

My sister Rachel & I,
Photo was taken at a friend's wedding in 2006
So this crazy thought popped into my head the other day, which is not odd in any way because that happens all day long...   But this one is about my siblings, which I have more than I can count on my fingers I would have to use my toes too! 

Anyways my little brothers were over and we were talking about nieces and nephews and I realized our unusual situation and I decided to share it.  I sat down to write out a post about it and then wasn't sure how to even explain it.  So I slept  on it for a couple of days and now here it is, my random head scratcher.

I don't know how common this type of family situation is but I am sure many others have weird families right?
Siblings reunited - Aaron, Chris & Stacy
My baby brothers, Aaron, Chris & I
Taken August 2013

I was fourteen when I became an Auntie for the first time.  My youngest brother, Aaron, was a year old when my oldest sister, Rachel, gave birth to my niece.  Aaron however, was an Uncle before he was even conceived.

So how is it possible that Aaron was already an Uncle before he was born but I became an Aunt the first time almost a year after he was born?

Friday, November 8, 2013

2nd Grade Looks Good on Little Ninja

Just got Jamison's "Digital Download" School Picture!  We had retakes done because he had his fake "I was told to smile" smile in the first ones but this smile looks genuine and I am very happy with this picture!
2nd grade looks good on him, would you agree?

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Quotable Moment

In response to a friend's status about jotting down his ingenious breakthrough ideas, then not being able to read his own handwriting later, I had a "Quotable Moment". 

I thought I would share my awesome words of wisdom since they are so few and far between... 

"The best ideas are often recorded in the haste of excitement and then later undecipherable!" -Stacy M Price 2013

Tuesday, November 5, 2013


Today I give you random adorableness due to my illness.  I have been sick since the evening of Halloween and was so busy finishing the "Jammer Bot 6000" costume leading up to Halloween that I haven't been posting.  For this I am sorry and hopefully this cuteness makes up for it! 

Oh and Little Ninja is sick now too so I have been juggling feeling crappy with nursing him back to health too!  :)  Mommy duties call!

 I will get the Jammer Bot post up as soon as I can sit up without feeling nauseous!  Thanks!