Every New Year's Eve resolutions are made by so many of us. We do so thinking we are bettering ourselves but we wind up damaging our self-esteem (among other things) when we fail to keep these resolutions.
Every single year you start out with the best intentions to make positive changes in your life by sticking to your resolutions. For a while you are able to keep your self imposed strict rules but we all slip up. We are only human. Eventually, you fail again and again and again (usually sooner rather than later).
Basically we are resolving to break a habit and implementing the changes immediately with no flexibility or forgiveness. In other words, we are setting these unrealistic goals to make drastic changes starting on January 1st. When January 1st comes along we don't magically become a new person that no longer has the bad habits you resolve to ditch. We have to work at it, making progress by avoiding temptation and staying the course until we've accomplished the mission.
We don't suddenly develop the discipline needed to kick our bad habits overnight. If we did, then we'd have already done it. We are setting ourselves up to fail year after year! Then when we eventually give up on our resolutions, we send ourselves on a huge guilt trip.
Wouldn't you rather go on a vacation? Any trip with guilt is not a fun one!
A brillant man once said that the definition of insanity was doing the same things over and over but expecting a different result. So why do we continue to make and break resolutions in a never ending cycle of self inflicted torture?
My New Year's Resolution for 2019 is
No more resolutions!
🚀Instead, I will set goals with realistic milestones and gradual changes in order to succeed in real self improvement! This way I won't be beating myself up because I've skipped a day of being vigilant.
I will conquer a bad habit's hold on me by taking bite-sized pieces, instead of trying to swallow it whole.
So have a Happy New Year and Go be awesome!